We soon would be coming to the town that holds the Guiness World Record for the most scarecrows, Meaford, Ontario. The ride through town was as nice as any along the road. We decided to make our first stop at the Meaford Harbor to strech our legs and and grab a drink before heading back on the road.
Situated between Meaford's two harbours, the Complex houses a Visitors Centre, meeting room, Dockmaster office, washrooms and laundry facilities. The retired search and rescue vessel "Spume" is a recent addition to Meaford Harbour. It has been totally restored and mounted near the shoreline for convenient viewing. The Meaford Harbour has two part time employees to serve you.
Moving down the road just a little way was a must stop at Grandma Lambe's. Every delicacy the fall has to offer is here. From pumpkins to cider and donuts this is the place that you want to stop. And the gang sampled and bought everything in site. Slow down folks we still have a lot of trip left.