Ride Grey Bruce Travel Planner

> Show Introduction
> Beaver Valley
> Meaford
> Getting To Bruce County
> Ted's Range Road Diner
> Inglis Falls
> Owen Sound
> Wiarton Willie
> Chi-Cheemaun Ferry
> Fathom Five Nat. Park
> Lion's Head
> Sauble Beach
> Southampton
> Harley Blues Cafe
> Tennyson's


Fathom Five National Park

The deep and sparkling waters at the mouth of Georgian Bay are home to Fathom Five - Canada's first National Marine Conservation Area. The park preserves a rich cultural legacy that includes 22 shipwrecks and several historic lightstations. Fathom Five’s freshwater ecosystem contains some of the most pristine waters of the Great Lakes. The rugged islands of the park are a reminder of the impressive lakebed topography found beneath the waves.

In the heart of a World Biosphere Reserve, the 'Bruce' is a place of global significance. The massive, rugged cliffs of the park are inhabited by thousand year old cedar trees, overhanging the crystal clear waters of Georgian Bay. The park is comprised of an incredible array of habitats from rare alvars to dense forests and clean lakes. Together these form a greater ecosystem - the largest remaining chunk of natural habitat in southern Ontario.

» Fathom Five National Marine Park Of Canada

» Bruce Peninsula National Park Of Canada

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