Ride Grey Bruce Travel Planner

> Show Introduction
> Beaver Valley
> Meaford
> Getting To Bruce County
> Ted's Range Road Diner
> Inglis Falls
> Owen Sound
> Wiarton Willie
> Chi-Cheemaun Ferry
> Fathom Five Nat. Park
> Lion's Head
> Sauble Beach
> Southampton
> Harley Blues Cafe
> Tennyson's


Lion's Head

Set beneath the majestic Niagara Escarpment, this little lighthouse has endured more hardship than the mariners it guided! The first light was established in 1903 and was rebuilt several times due to the harsh conditions of Georgian Bay. Automation in 1969 finally replaced the attractive structure with a metal post and light until a group of high school students built a replica model that stands in its place today. The light once again guides boats safely back into this beautiful port.

In 1903, the first light was established at the end of the Lion's Head harbor dock. A square frame tower was added in 1911 and, less than a year later, was destroyed by stormy weather and replaced.
A November storm in 1913 pushed the lighthouse onto the beach south of the harbor. It was recovered, repaired and restored to its original location. Fire caused more damage to the lighthouse in 1933 and it was again repaired.

It survived peacefully until 1969 when the Canadian Coast Guard dismantled the attractive structure and left a nondescript metal post with a flashing red signal light in its place.

» Lion's Head Lighthouse

» Taylor Made Bed & Breakfast

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